
Savigliano’s town life revolves around its medieval heart: “Santa Rosa” Square, which is dedicated to Santorre di Santa Rosa, a well-known patriot. These tower-houses, their elegant façades decorated with terracotta windows and frescoes as well as their shady porticoes.Sant'Andrea district is home to some of the town's architectural gems, such as the precious “Muratori Cravetta” Palace.An ancient wooden gateway along the arcades of Via Sant'Andrea leads to one of the most beautiful aristocratic palaces in Piedmont: “Taffini d'Acceglio” Palace. The 17th-century convent of “San Francesco” houses both the 'Antonino Olmo' Civic Museum and the 'Davide Calandra' Plaster Collection. Along its quadrangular cloister as well as inside the monks' cells, there are a few carefully arranged places able to tell visitors the history of this area. The Piedmontese Railway Museum is a true paradise for train lovers, no matter whether big or small. It is dedicated to the memory of three great Piedmontese engineers: Sebastiano Grandis, Severino Grattoni and German Sommeiller.
